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BIP Step 2

Antecedent/setting event strategies



  • Antecedent strategies directly modify/adapt the antecedent so that the problem behavior is no longer relevant.

  • Antecedent strategies should be clearly preventative and used prior to the problem behavior being displayed


  • Include enough detail for a stranger to implement.  Include who is doing the intervention, when, related to the antecedent, the strategy is implemented and how-including verbal and motor behaviors of adults.


For a student with an IEP, the ARC should:

  • Include setting events and antecedent(s) for the Problem Behavior in the Present Levels of Performance


  • Consider whether staff training is needed to implement setting events and antecedent strategies and address this in the IEP (Program Modifications and Supports for School Personnel)


  • Consider whether student instruction is needed to use the setting event and antecedent strategies and address this in IEP (Specially Designed Instruction)


Consider whether the student needs strategies and other support(s) provided in the general education environment or other educational settings to gain access to the general curriculum and address in IEP (Supplementary Aids and Services).











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