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KY Social-Emotional-Behavioral
Resources & Supports

Establishing Expectations, Rules, & Routines
Establish consistency in your classroom and across the school with the same school-wide expectations and rules. Build your routines and procedures in your classroom around the same expectations and rules.
Trauma Lens:
Clearly stated rules and expectations create consistency and predictability. Routines support regulation, and can develop social- emotional
What does it
look like?
- Rules/Examples
- Routines & Procedures
What does it look like?
3-5 school-wide expectations that exemplify the vision of the school.(Class and school should be the same.)
Observable, measurable, positively stated, applicable, and understandable pro-social examples for each expectation.
Posted procedures for automating common activities. Routines should be for both external behaviors and social-emotional skills.

Use expectations to create a matrix to integrate social, emotional, and behavioral examples all together
Keep the number of rules/examples manageable. Try to pick the top few for each expectation that will have the biggest impact.
Get student input on the established rules. Are they clear? What are examples and non-examples?
Daily: Identify an expectation and rule/example to match the period's academic learning objective in the lesson plan. Post it as a prompt for what behavior to expect and reinforce.
Use the observation tool to self-assess and gain peer-assessment from colleagues or administrators.
Information from:
Midwest PBIS
Missouri SW-PBIS
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